Do you like a lovely warm bowl of spinning miso soup? I love that creamy unique flavor of it. Miso soup is one of the most well-loved Japanese foods. Here are the ingredients on how to make miso soup.

The ingredients that you will need to make miso soup are going to be four cups of dashi or chicken broth, one small bowl of soft tofu, four to five teaspoons of miso paste, two chopped green onions, and one medium cup of water.

The first step is to add the water into a pot. Next, cut tofu into small square shapes and add them to the pot. After, add the dashi into the pot. Then, add miso paste with a strainer. Add the green onions into your pot. Cook for about fifteen minutes and mix for one to two minutes. Lastly, enjoy it!

I hope you enjoyed this recipe for Miso Soup. This dish may look hard to make, but once you try it, you will be able to accomplish it right away.

“ Only a pure heart can make a great soup.” – Ludwig Van Beethoven.

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