How to Make Delicious Wontons!
Do you like to eat soft wontons? It reminds me of the warm juice pouring out of it, making my body feel nice and warm. If you do enjoy eating wontons, then read my essay because it will help you go through the fast and easy steps on how to make delicious wontons.
(Please wash your materials and your hands before you do anything!) Here are the things that you will need when you are making wontons: Water (one pint and one cut make it separate), a teaspoon of cornstarch, 1lb of ground pork, half a handful of cilantro, a big and small spoon, wonton wrappers, a big pot with a lid, a tray, a big and little bowl. You will need a counter if you have one, if not then you could use a table!
First, get the 1lb of ground pork and put it into the big bowl, then put half a handful of cilantro into it, and mix it with a big spoon. Second, take the mixture to the counter or table. Put a cup of water and a teaspoon of cornstarch into a little bowl. Mix those ingredients with your finger, or use a little spoon. Take out a tray and put aluminum foil on top of it. Third, get a few wonton wrappers, and put some of the watery cornstarch on one finger, then put some of it on one of the wonton wrappers (put around the wonton wrapper, make sure to not put too much or else the wonton wrapper would rip). Fourth, take a scoop of ground pork with a little spoon, and put it in the middle of the wonton wrapper. Then, you could fold the wonton wrapper any way you want (the watery cornstarch is like glue to make the wonton stick to each other). When you are done making as many wontons as you wish, get the pot and fill it with 2 quarts of water. Put it on the stove and wait for it to boil. When the water is boiling, put the wontons in the pot. When you see the wontons float up, you will know when it is ready to be picked up by a big spoon, put on a plate, and eaten by a hungry person!
Wonton, or Chinese dumpling, is a staple food popular throughout China. As a Cantonese, I am proud to say that the word Wonton comes from Cantonese rather than Mandarin, as the dumplings were likely introduced to the West by early settlers in Chinatown, who came primarily from the Cantonese-speaking coastal cities in Southern China. In Chinese, wonton means “swallowing clouds”. If you are familiar with Chinese art you may also find that the wonton, floating in the broth, resembles the traditional “spiral cloud” motif in Chinese handicrafts. One famous example: The Torch for the Beijing Olympics is known as the “Lucky Cloud Torch” in Chinese.
“Cooking is about creating something delicious for someone else.” – Julia Child