Two years ago, I was in my after school program, and I saw a new arts and crafts teacher. I wanted to see if I would be interested in arts and crafts, so I asked my mom to sign me up. My mom agreed, and arts and crafts were so fun. The first thing I learned is how to make a paper snowflake. I made one for each person in my family, and they loved it. Since that day, I’ve always dreamed of becoming an arts and crafts teacher so I can teach many people that are interested in arts and crafts.
An arts and crafts teacher has many duties. The most important duty is to make sure that their students understand what they are saying. For example, they should be specific and say, “You have to fold the top corners down to the bottom corners.” Secondly, they have to ve creative by drawing different crazy and fun things, like a curly-mushroom. The third thing is to have fun like laughing at different funny things and saying funny jokes.
I think I have the right qualities to be an arts and crafts teacher. To begin with, I will explain well to the students. I usually teach my sister when she doesn’t know how to make something. Also, I am creative. I sometimes fold different angles to make different crazy stuff. Finally, an arts and crafts teacher needs to have fun. When I make arts and crafts at home, we really have fun. If you fold the wrong and it looks funny, we usually laugh because it is too funny.
Everyone has a dream, and my dream is to become an arts and crafts teacher. I want to be an arts and crafts teacher because I would want to teach those wonderful, creative students. Every person has their own creativity, so they might be different. So what is your dream? Will you be an arts and crafts teacher?