By Jason D.

Everyone has had a childhood friend. For me, my childhood friend was my close friend Luke. My first memories with him was when we would play Wii Tanks on my Wii. I then forgot about him for a few years until 1st or 2nd grade where we met again through a mutual friend named Nolan. Now we occasionally talk on the texting platform, Discord.

Luke is usually extremely laid back and calm. When he gets injured in a game of soccer, he acts completely fine even if he’s bleeding. Luke also somehow never gets cold even during winter as he pretty much never wears anything except for a t-shirt. He usually plays basketball but he sometimes plays soccer. The weird part is that I usually see him playing a single game for a long time and sometimes he switches games.

Luke always wears a t-shirt I don’t remember a single time I’ve seen him wear something other than a t-shirt. Luke seems to switch between several t-shirts. Luke is short and has black hair . I remember him with dark brown eyes and curly hair.

Usually when he comes over, we play some Laser Tag. An area in the arena is a corridor that leads to a ramp that leads to the higher areas, there a a lot of paths that lead to the ramp. A lot of the time when we’re at that area, there are other people. Usually though, we’re outnumbered since our group can’t seem to stay together. The last time we played laser tag, we were in a firefight with another group in the corridor, until another large group appeared in the middle of the fight. The battle was about to get more intense since there was another group in the fight, but only a few seconds of somehow not getting hit, the game was over.

Luke has always been good friend. He was my first friend and we’re close after all this time. We both share similar interests with us both playing sports with us both playing sports at school and video games when we hang out. Luke has always been and will always be my closest friend.

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