
Socially active…

Teacher-led learning…


Can all of the above elements be possibly found in our kids’ learning journey this “pandemic” school year?

Yes! In Star Academics, they can.

Star Academics has modified our in-center programs to support students’ educational needs in these uncertain times.

Study Bubbles/Learning Pods – Safe, social interaction in small stable groups

Our students will continue their learning journey with their friends in a small stable group pod,
complete with dedicated seating,
a fixed teacher,
a clean classroom and
6 feet social distancing rules;

in other words, we have created a COVID-19 pod-class for learning where your children can interact safely with other students in a small stable group setting.

Morning Learning Pod

Each program’s tuition fee is $400 for 2 weeks, with the following options.
  • 5 days in-center classes weekly (Mon-Fri, 8:00 am – 12 noon)
  • 3 days in-center classes weekly (choose between Mon-Fri, 8:00 am – 12 noon ) + 2 online lessons weekly
  • 4 days in-center classes weekly (choose between Mon-Fri, 8:00 am – 12 noon ) + 1 online lesson weekly

Afternoon Learning Pod (SBAC test preparation included)

Each program’s tuition fee is $240 for 4 weeks, with the following options.

  • 2 days in-center classes weekly (Tue and Thu, 3:30 pm – 5 pm)
  • 2 days in-center classes weekly (Mon and Wed, 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm)

During each session, students will be guided by a teacher on:
  • their online homework from their school teachers,
  • supervised completion and submission of their online class assignments. (Parents that has gone through schools’ distant learning between March -May this year, know that this is not an easy task),
  • continuous learning with our in-center Math and English Language Arts Singapore-Math-Common-Core syllabus material
  • Supervised interaction with friends
Safety protocols adopted to give you the piece of mind include:
  • 6 feet all-round-distancing seating arrangement
  • Small and stable group of children to reduce risk of infection
  • Dedicated study table and chair
  • Dedicated chromebooks (limited numbers)
  • Dedicated teacher to each small group of students for each session
  • Thorough cleaning plus disinfecting of entire center daily
  • More frequent disinfection of frequently-touched surfaces
  • Compulsory face mask policy
  • Enforced 20-second hand washing practice
  • CDC approved hand sanitizers around the center
  • Daily temperature checking; students who are feeling unwell would be asked to stay home
  • No sharing of items policy
  • Large Hepa-filter air purifier running throughout the sessions

For new parents, please select the program you are interested to enroll in from the above table. Please also write down in the comment box which option you prefer.

NOTE: All students joining our the learning pod-class must ensure that they do not join other social groups throughout the entire duration of the pod-class. In other words, participants should only be in one social bubble at any point of time.

For existing parents, you can login to the parent portal for self-enrollment or text/call us at (408) 650-2588 to confirm.