I love art! Art is really fun because you can use your imagination. Also, you can paint ad sketch your favorite things. I would like to be an artist when I grow up so that I can sell paintings in museums and make more money. I can even use the money to pay for college. This year there are a lot of bad things going on like fires, lightning, and the Coronavirus. The money I make from my art, I would like to help the poor people so they can have food and live in a nice house. Maybe one day when I grow up, I can make my own shop and sell a lot of paintings.
Being an artist is a lot of work. The most important thing is that artists take their time working on paintings. That means they don’t rush when working on paintings. Also, artists love working on paintings, but it takes lots of practice to get them perfect. An artist sometimes makes mistakes in their paintings but they don’t give up when making mistakes. The third thing is that artists have to work hard and be patient while working on paintings. It’s hard working as an artist, but it’s important!
I have the right personality to be an artist when I grow up. To stars, I am very patient. You should never rush. Rushing is really bad. When I am patient, I do not rush. Artists take their time when painting or drawing. I use different colors and my imagination. Also, it must take practice to get paintings or drawings perfect. Not everything is perfect when you do something. Artists work hard so they can get paintings perfect.
It is a lot of work being an artist. Art is my favorite activity. Doing art is super fun. When you do art, you can encourage people and they will be so happy. Sometimes at night, I dream about being an artist when I grow up. Maybe, when I grow up, I can make my own shop about art and sell paintings so people can be happy.